Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Space to think

Veneer - Tina Francis

The exhibition is in its final stages at The Coffin Works, I have learned a lot and am now (after a short illness) able to be at the exhibition a lot more. On Friday 15th July I will be at the exhibition giving a short introduction to the work, talking about where it will be going next and inviting people to learn how to stitch.  The stitching session is much more about introducing stitch rather than leaving with a finished item.
During the exhibition I have listened to many stories about how stitching has helped people by giving them a space to breath and so I hope that this session will do that for those that attend.
The work is moving on to The National Needlework Archive and then to London at Craft Central in September. The spaces are different to that at the Coffin works and so will include more print work as well as the originals.
Over the weekend of 23rd and 24th July I will again be at the Coffin Works as part of Jewellery Quarter Open Studios, there are more than 50 open studios and workshops around the Jewellery Quarter so it would be nice to see you as part of this event which really does introduce the maker to the audience.
Contemplation is a theme that has come through from the comments book, the space at Coffin Works allows for time to be spent sitting and thinking so if you want time to think and breath then do come along to the exhibition where I hope to provide just that.